Wednesday, August 21, 2013

What I did on my summer holiday.

The summer has flown by.  We didn't get the shooting done or our trip to New Mexico.  After school was out, we just kinda crashed. I did spend time in the studio.  I made lots of pots and some fun things. We had a great sale at Folk Fest, it was our best show ever.  It is nice not to have schedule and work when you want and make what you like. It was not an overly busy summer, but I have enjoyed so far.  We have eaten to much and had a few to many summer beers on a hot day, but hey..... that's what summer is about.

 These are some of the fun things I made.


I tried to build a new blog site using Word Press.  This old dog is not that speedy when it comes to learning  learning new tricks. It's coming, but I have let it slide a bit these last few weeks.  I have it built, but it is not quite ready for prime time.

We are hoping to change The Clay Teacher this year so it is not quite so much work. There are a few things in the works and when I know more I will talk about it.

Today I will finishing throwing the dinner set orders I got a Folk Fest.

Until next time.

AKA Mrs. Clay
Teaching Blog Traffic School