Thursday, June 18, 2009

Bookings ,Snakes, and a Cow

I did get the pots made and in the kiln on Sunday. I didn’t make the corporate mugs. He isn’t expecting them until next month. The ones I made are cooling and I will glaze today or tomorrow. She is expecting me to ship Saturday. I like to give me some room. I had a contract with a company that does kinda what we are doing but just does it differently. That contract ran out on Friday. Yesterday Jim and I drove and around and delivered all the projects from that contract. We are free to move on to the next chapter. I like driving around with Jim, but I could spend my time being more productive. I wanted to go this time, it was the last delivery, one was out of town, the sun was shining, I had nothing to do here at home……yeah right….

I sent out emails to the schools telling them about The Clay Teacher. We have four bookings already. There are a lot of schools out there and that’s why I didn’t make Robert his mugs. I was glued to this pc creating a mailing list and sending emails.

We are really excited about The Clay Teacher. I have been making production pottery for years. I like to make pots. When I am down in my little studio throwing, it feels like me, but after awhile of production work…..well… The Thrill is Gone……That’s why the Clay Teacher works so well. I don’t have to do production so when I am in my studio, throwing and feeling like me, I will be making what I want to make and not what I am told to make. I really enjoy the kids and I love making pots and sculpting. What better life can you ask for but to have two jobs and love them both? Unlike some married people that say they could never work with their spouse, Jim and I work well together and we have fun.

I hope to get to that kiln today. It is still a bit warm, 750 F at 6:00 am….. we’ll see. I have to clean up down there. I work with out a splash pan and it’s a real mess from the last orders. I got a rush teapot order last night, so that has to be thrown today. We go see a lady about her bathroom. We do sink and tiles, she is redoing her bathroom and we are making her sink and backsplash. I can get that thrown and in the kiln with the teapot. Delivery on the teapot is June 27.

I saw this joke and thought it was funny.

Last year I had phone call from a minister from… oh I forget now… a very southern state, perhaps Georgia and we talked about God, clay and the process. We worked together on his sermon. It was interesting, I enjoyed the conversation and I was happy to help. I wasn’t any help on the religion side but I was able to tell him about clay. I had forgotten all about that until I saw this joke. With the websites, we get calls from all over. A man from Tennessee called yesterday. We was caught up in the layoffs and downsizing. He wanted to know if a potter was a good second career choice. He is 57 and has no experience. I was truthful and said no. It takes years to get to the stage where you can sell a good product. Then you have to find the market. I suggested that he take some classes, buy our DVD, make some pots and see where it goes. See if he has the passion for it first then look at it as a job. I also told him that the nice thing about working for yourself is you get to choose what 18 hours a day it is that you work.

Speaking of working for yourself, I should do just that.

Oh yeah…. Pot Pick of the Day is a very cool Thai cow bottle, borrowed from Lee Love on FaceBook.

This is what I mean by fun pots, the sort of thing that if I were playing I would like to make.

Right now I will make a tea set, sink and some tiles and play…. later…

Until next time.


The Clay Teacher

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