Saturday, October 10, 2009

First Day of School

Yesterday was my first job as the Clay Teacher. I was a bit nervous. I’m not really sure why. I went to talk to and do some throwing for two grade 10 classes. The first group was interested in what I was doing. . I had some samples that showed throwing a simple form, making it a cup, adding a handle making it a mug. Throwing and combining wheel thrown pieces and then using the wheel to build round slabs, the masks, and then I brought a little sculpture that had nothing to do with the wheel. There were a few students that were excited and anxious to try some of the techniques I had shown them. The next class was not as keen. It was a bit weird. I talked about the construction techniques of the examples that I brought, I threw a cylinder, vase, bowl and a plate. I went on and on for about a half and hour then stopped to ask if anyone had any questions. ….Blank stares and silence….. I asked if they had anything to add…. Blank stares and silence…..asked if anyone had plans of being artists….again…..nothing….mind you they were grade 10, all full of raging hormones and it was the last class on a Friday afternoon before a long weekend. So I didn’t take personally and I enjoyed it, the teaching and not the blank stares and silence. It was fun. I really enjoy being The Clay Teacher. There is no pressure. I just go in, talk about what I know, do what I like, be myself and then leave. I am not the one who is responsible for taking these kids and guiding them near, if not on the path of at least having a respect for art.I think half the kids in that class are only there because they think if you take art it is easy. There is nothing to read, no homework, what could be easier than being an artist? Those are the kids that are the most challenging and I am so glad not my responsibility. Mind you there is always one kid that stands out. There was a boy in the first class. He was very keen and working on a big bowl project that had him very excited. It would be fun to work with him and those like him, for more than one workshop, to help him from start to finish with his bowl.

Winter hit this last week. It came so fast that the leaves were still mostly green and on the trees.With the sudden nasty weather they all froze and fell off. This year we won’t get the pretty colours of the transition from fall into winter. It’s like someone flicked the switch, off with fall on with winter. We are driving to Grande Prairie to visit family for the long weekend. The weather is not that bad that we would consider not going. We are looking forward it.

Pot pic this time has nothing to do with pots. Here are pics of the weather outside our door.

We are the way to Grande Prairie AB for the Thanksgiving Holiday weekend. Family food and fun, who could ask for more.

Until the next time.


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