Tuesday, March 12, 2013

On line video streaming for schools.....maybe??

The Clay Teacher is branching out of the classroom and into video. We have put some of our workshops on DVD in workshop format and sell them in a kit, www.funclayprojects.com. These kits are for home use and anyone with the kit can make two complete sculptures. All our workshop kits use the Air Dry Method of finishing. We want to continue making the videos and include in our product line a complete data base with all our workshops and much more information for students K – 12 all available through on line streaming. I think it would be wonderful for teachers and students to have access to clay workshops and all the information about using clay they want anytime they like. We have decades of experience working with clay www.outofthefirestudio.com and years of experience presenting workshops as The Clay Teacher so I thought that the school districts would jump on the chance to have clay workshops available for their students for pennies a workshop, however, I was wrong.

As The Clay Teacher we go into the schools and work the students and charge $7.50 per student for a one time Air Dry clay experience. If the same school had access to our videos and could stream the content, that same workshop would cost that same students pennies and they could have the workshop as often as they like. When I approached some school districts today over the phone, they did not see it that way. Most said they had our type of in school field trip and/or the Artist in Residency Programs and it would not be necessary. Schools, with the help of grants from the provincial government, pay artists for a residency thousands of dollars for a one or two week program. The last number I heard in passing was $7,000 for a 2 week workshop. For a school of 200 students that would be $35 per student for a once a year program. A streaming licence would sell to a school of 200 students for $200. If the same school streamed the program, picking and choosing from a large selection of information, that same exploration in clay would be cost $1.00 per student, not for two weeks, but a whole year of play.

I spent most of the afternoon talking the people in purchasing for a number of school districts and got basically the same response. They did not see the value in online streaming when there is the Artist in Residency and in school field trips. I simply don’t understand how, with all the cuts in education, they don’t see some value to on line streaming, getting the information for pennies instead of big bucks and putting clay back in the class room on a daily basis. I had one woman say flat out “Oh I would never buy that”, as if I was promoting dead spiders or something. I bet the students in that district would like her to buy that.

We have always wanted to make every day Clay Day.  We started making these videos with that in mind but I had no idea how hard it would be to sell the idea to others.  I wish they could see the faces of the students who do get to play in the clay and how much the process of creating three dimensional art fills them.  Not only does it help with the fine motor skills, it touches and nurtures the artist that is in everyone.  Almost everyone has an artist hiding inside that is wanting and waiting to be free. Everyone, with the exception of the lady that said she would never buy it.  I am not sure what happened to her inner artist, perhaps if she got to play more in the clay as a child she would not have let it go.

Until next time.

The Clay Teacher

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